Algirdo str. 54, Kaunas, Lithuania +370 687 48992 info[eta]


Amber peeling mask 1kg




This (Amber peeling mask 5g) is high-efficiency general tonic measure for hygienic facial and body care. It facilitates the process of cell renewal and preservation of the skin in good condition. This peeling mask to face and body adsorbs and removes the excrements of the sebaceous and perspiration glands together with dead cells from the skin’s surface. It has a natural antibacterial effect as well as promotes the restoration of flexibility, elasticity and normal skin color.

Components (Amber peeling mask 1kg):

Granulate (crushed) Natural Amber powder-scrub is 100% natural Baltic amber of ultrafine grinding, containing a range of micronutrients, aromatic hydrocarbons, amber acid and its salts. Crushed amber is not affected by chemical and thermal processing. This is medical-cosmetic non-allergic, dye free and preservative free (having negative impact on skin and on the whole body) product, which fundamentally distinguishes crushed amber from a number of similar products of natural cosmetics.

Physical-chemical properties:

The choice of amber, as a natural health and beauty raw, is not accidental. Present-day science has clearly and conclusively proved out that amber is a powerful source of energy, health and beauty. It has a lot of advantages over the natural minerals most commonly used in cosmetology.

Numerous clinical trials have shown high efficiency and worthwhileness of crushed amber either in complex treatment of different diseases.

A distinctive feature of amber cosmetic peeling mask is that crushed amber acts not only as scrub or adsorbent, but also stimulates energetic processes on both: at the extent of cells due to amber acid’s impact and at the extent of tissues due to free electrons’ energy impact.

Namely due to this feature amber cosmetic peeling mask acts not only as cleaning mask, but also restores, smoothens and increases skin tension. Cosmetic effect of the mask allows you to quickly solve the problems of oily skin and its complications, and its effect is not limited to excellent immediate result after applying the mask, but allows acquiring persistent positive results with regular use.


  • Protection of early facial and neck skin ageing;
  • Facial and neck skin tension;
  • Elimination of the consequences of acneiform rash and scars on the face;
  • Normalization of turgor and elasticity.


  • Acute skin inflammation processes.

Amber peeling mask is now perhaps the only one that allows you to:

  • clean the skin from dirt, toxins, germs, viruses;
  • ensure the normalization of metabolic and energy processes, not only at the extent of the entire thickness of the skin, but also at the extent of the underlying tissues;
  • achieve a high cosmetic effect only within 30 minutes, while regular use of it, helps to get rid of wrinkles, pigment spots and arterial spiders;
  • get rid of the effects of acneiform rash, scars, or at least make to them softer and less noticeable;
  • normalize the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Method of application

In order to deeply clean the skin crushed amber is used as a cosmetic peeling mask. Carefully stir one teaspoon of crushed amber for 2-3 minutes in two tablespoons of warm water until a pulp will me made. Apply to face and neck by using cosmetic brush. After drying (15-20 minutes) remove the crushed amber from the skin surface with fingertips or cotton pad by using circular motion. Rinse the remnants of crushed amber. Dry the skin with a napkin and apply a moisturizer.

Frequency of application: for oily skin: 2-3 times a week; for normal skin: 2 times a week; for dry skin: 1 time a week. Regular use improves efficiency and provides stable, notable results. Recommended course is 15-20 procedures.

The main advantage of amber peeling mask, along with high its efficiency, is its natural base – Amber, the end product of vegetable origin, devoid of allergic properties during millions of years, which absorbed the energy from the Earth and Space, and by using a special technique of preparation of crushed amber, has acquired the high sorption and energetic properties.

That is why amber cosmetic peeling mask not only cleans, but also restores, provides tonic action, soothes and lifts facial skin. The combined effects of amber cosmetic peeling mask allows you to quickly solve the problems of oily skin and its complications, and its effect is not limited to excellent immediate result after applying the mask, but allows for persistent positive results when using regularly.


We give some feedback of patients, first felt the effect of cosmetic amber peeling mask during the VII International Exhibition „Fashion and Cosmetics“, held in the city of Kaliningrad.

Julia, age 27. Accidentally came to this exhibition and saw a tent with face masks. Decided to try for yourself. After the mask I felt facial ease. Face became velvety and soft. I can not convey my feelings. Thank you so much that you come up with such a mask.

Irina, age 42. Experienced the effect of the mask made of amber – it’s amazing! I am very grateful to the developers and manufacturers of this cosmetic product. Hopefully this will be a new word in the development of cosmetology. Good luck and new achievements!

Ludmila, age 48. Today I applied peeling and mask from the amber powder. The effect surpassed all my expectations! Even after one treatment the skin whitened and small wrinkles disappeared. There was a feeling of lightness; skin became velvety and remarkably soft. Must pass a full course, and I will recommend this mask to all my friends. Many thanks to the producers of this cosmetic product!

Catherine, age 16. At the moment I have a very dirty face. I have experienced the mask made of amber. I study hairdresser‘s classes and in terms of my profession, and my age I am subject to treatment. I have already tried a great amount of different things. The first procedure has convinced me that the amber mask – this is for me.

Liubov, age 55. Thank you so much! This is certainly a miracle! Wonderful feeling after applying; The mask smoothes out all the wrinkles. Thank you!

Annie, age 57. I’m very happy with this mask. I live in Germany and I go there for beauty salons, but this effect I have not sought in any salon. I feel sort of younger, like “on wings”. Thank you so much!

Tatiana, age 32. Amber masks impressed me. It seems like I am about ten years younger. The effect is simply amazing.

Galina, age 59. Cosmetic facial amber mask is a miracle! The skin after applying it is absolutely amazing and the feeling too! Thanks to the producers of the mask that makes miracles with woman‘s faces.

Svetlana, age 56. I am very fond of amber, so did the mask. Many thanks to the developers! The effect is striking. I have problematic skin, it is dry. During the procedure the effect of smoothing wrinkles and whitening can be seen immediately. Thank you!

Additional information


1pc, Pack of 5pc, Pack of 10pc